About Me

Expert trainer in generative AI applied to Education.
IBM AI Engineering Professional Certificate and Stanford Machine Learning Specialist.
• Former General Manager EMEA of a leading North American company in the computer hardware sector of education and videoconference.
• Former Google Partner for Education with extensive experience in the education sector.
• Proven knowledge of cloud technologies, especially Google Cloud, AWS and Azure.
• Native speaker of Spanish and professional proficiency in English, with international experience.
• OdiseIA member.
•Professor specializing in Generative Artificial Intelligence across various master’s programs and courses


  • ResidenceSPAIN
  • e-mailhugo.ramallo@gmail.com

What I Do

Education & B2B

• Relevant industry experience in technology, B2B and education in EMEA.

Software developer

Java, Python, SQL, HTML and JavaScript.


• Fluent Spanish and English.


• Expertise in providing guidance across functional areas including operations, sales, and product.


Fun Facts

Artificial Intelligence

Collaborative Robots
